2013년 6월 28일 금요일

Apr 2013 --- KM series Metal Tube Roatmers and MT series Turbine Flow Meters delivered to Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex (SGCC) of Uzbekistan


SGCC is Unitary Branch Establishment of the Joint Stock Company “Uzneftegazdobycha” of the National Holding Company “Uzbekneftegas”. In 2005 was successfully certified acting Quality Management System by certification center TÜV CERT in accordance with requirements of ISO 9001:2000.

* Location
Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex is situated in the south-west of Uzbekistan (Kashkadarya region, Guzar district), in the desert area of the Karshi steppe and constructed on the basis of Shurtan gas condensate fields.

* Capacity
  - Natural gas processing 3.9 milliard m3/year.
  - Pure methane output 3.5 milliard m3/year
  - PE granules 125 ktpa
  - LPG 100 ktpa
  - Gas condensate 100 ktpa
  - Granulated sulfur 1.5 ktpa

* Finished Products
Starting from 2006 we produced finished products in the form of pressure pipes and fittings for pressure pipes by reprocessing more than 5 thousand ton/year of polyethylene. And now this figure reached 10 thousand tons per year after launching production of aluminium composite panels and components of drip irrigation systems.

 - Flow Meters Delivered: KM Series Metal Tube Rotameters and MT Series Turbine Flow Meters

  - Specifications:

Metal Tube Rotameter
Model: KMFA-1-B
  - Fluid: Water (Density: 1000 Kg/m3, Viscosity: 1.0 cP)
  - Flow Rate: 0 (400) ~ 4000 Kg/h
  - Connection: ANSI 600# 2" RF
  - Material:
         Body & Flange - SUS 304 & SSC 13
         Indicator - Cast Aluminum
         Float - SUS 304
         Taper Tube - SUS 304
  - Oper'/Design Pressure: 4400 kPaG  / 40 barG
  - Oper'/Design Temperature:  270℃ / 360℃
  - Flow Direction: BOT -TOP
  - Length: 250 mm (Face to Face)
  - Accuracy: ± 2% F.S
  - c/w 2 Sets of Spare Floats
Quantity: 6 Sets 

Turbine Flow Meter
Model: MTL-150-T4-G-P1-F2-AN
- Fluid: Liquid
  - Flow Rate: 0 (40) ~ 400 M3/H 
  - Connection: ANSI 150# 6" RF
  - Material:
         Body - Stainless Steel
         Rotor - ANC1A Stainless Steel
         Rotor Shaft - Tungsten Carbide
         Indicator Case - Aluminum
  - Operating / Design Pressure: 8 barg / 10 barg
  - Operating / Design Temperature: TBD / 120℃
  - Flow Direction: Single Direction
  - Length: 300 mm (Face To Face)
  - Output: 4-20mA (Source Powered)
  - Power Supply: 24VDC
  - Display: 2-Line LCD (Flow Rate-4 digits, Total-8 digits)
  - Pressure Loss: 0.025 Mpa
  - Accuracy: ± 1%
  - Linearity: ± 1%
  - Repeatability: ± 0.3%  
Quantity: 4 Sets 


1. Background

The customer, Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex (SGCC), started procurement process from the end of 2012, where we submitted our first quotation. After reviewing our technical and commercial proposal, they came back with contract draft in April 2013. After several exchanges of drafts and corrections, we signed the final contract and submitted it to the customer.

Then another entity came into play. They were  UZConsulting, which is a government agency and, as a standard procedure, does a price auditing for major international procurements of government organizations. What they did was, after they receive a procurement proposal from many of Uzbekistani government organization, they verify whether the price to be contracted is fair or not. As part of it, they send inquiries under their name to all the manufacturers and suppliers of the world, as if they are the actual buyer. And if they receive prices under the prices that they already have, then they ask the government agency to negotiate the price down.

Because SGCC promises to be a solid customer with a lot of potential of follow-on orders, we decided to take the contract after giving them about 30% discount from the original contract amount. And I don't have any regret about that.

2. Production and Delivery

The required specifications for metal tube rotameters was not very easy because some of them should operate under 40 barG max. pressure. Additional precautions were needed to ensure this. And because we had a lot of production going on at that time, the delivery was a little bit delayed.

3. Acceptance and Certification at the Customer

We learned that all the flow meters for the government agencies in Uzbekistan are subject to certification by Uzstandard. Without passing this certification process, the flow meters cannot be put into use.

And then there was a problem. The contract required 2% FS accuracy for metal tube rotameters, while our standard accuracy is 2.5% FS for gases. This is not a problem because even though we say 2% or 2.5%, we always calibrate our rotameters to 1% FS accuracy. The problem was that our worker who issues test and calibration certificate didn't pay much attention to the product data sheet and issued the certificates with 2.5% FS standard accuracy.

So, we reissued the certificates at the customer's request. And they all passed the certification process of Uzstandard.

4. Acceptance and Certification at the Customer

SGCC is our first customer in Uzbekistan and they are a very important customer. And with the successful delivery of the meters, we hope that our brand, MaxiFlo, will find more customers in this country.


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