2020년 6월 17일 수요일

How to use Batch Control Function of MaxiFlo MU Series (MU-PA) Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Batch process control (or batching control) which is used for repeated filling operations is provided via Relay output (Normally Closed) terminals of our MU series ultrasonic flow meters (Series MU-WA and MU-PA).

In order to use this function, you need to do basically 3 things. Firstly selecting the relay output option, secondly selecting batch trigger option and lastly setting the batch valve and enabling it.

The sections of the manual that describe these steps are given below;

·         Relay Output Setup (M79)

Relay Output Setup [79
15. Not Using

Set the system to put Relay output when one of the following sources occurs;

0. No Signal
13. Energy NEG Totalizer
1. Poor Signal
14. Energy NET Totalizer
2. Not Ready (No*R)
15. MediaVel > Threshold
3. Reverse Flow
16. MediaVel < Threshold
4. AO over 100%
17. ON/OFF Via RS232
5. FO over 120%
18. Disable Relay
6. Alarm #1
19. Timed Alarm #1
7. Reverse Alarm #2
20. Timed Alarm #2
8. Batch Controlller
21. Batch Total Full
9. POS Totalizer
22. Timer by M51
10. NEG Totalizer
23. Batch 90% Full
11. NET Totalizer
24. Disable Relay
12. Energy POS Totalizer

The RELAY is of SPST (Single pole, single throw) Normally Open (NO) type. It is rated for 125VAC 1A and 30VDC 2A.  It is highly recommended that a slave relay to be utilized whenever a large resistive load or inductive load is to be controlled. 

·         Batch Trigger Select (M80)

Flow Batch CTRL in
0. Key Input

Select the batch control type. Available options are as follows;

0. Key Pressing
5. AI4 Falling Edge
1. Serial Port
6. AI5 Rising Edge
2. AI3 Rising Edge
7. AI5 Falling Edge
3. AI3 Falling Edge
8. Timer-Periodical
4. AI4 Rising Edge
9. Timer-Daily

For the input analog current signal, 0 mA indicates “0”, 4mA or more indicates “1”.

·         Flow Batch Controller (M81)

Flow Batch Controller
10000 x 1m3

The built-in batch controller to set the flow batch value (dose).

The internal output of the batch controller can be directed either to the OCT or the RELAY output circuits.   M81 and M80 should be used together to configure the batch controller.

Note: Because the measuring period is 500mS, the flow for every dose should be keeping at 60 seconds long to get a 1% dose accuracy.

Demonstration Video

We took video of this process to give clear insights into this function. In this demonstration, 

Preparations before using

1. we hooked up the multimeter leads to relay output terminals and set it to connectivity test with audible queue. 

2. set the Relay Output Setup (Menu 79) to "21. Batch Total Full".

3. set the Batch Trigger Select (Menu 80) to "0. Key Pressing".

4. set the batch value (Menu 81) to "10 Liter".

The Batch Process Control

And then we activated the control. Then you'll see the "ON" on the left side of he display. And then the current totalizer value. And the multimeter shows "0L", which means that the relay is open.

When we turn on the pump, the totalizer starts to increase and then finally reaches to 10 Liter, when the multimeter beeps indicating that the relay is closed. And "OFF" is shown in the left side.

That means that the batch is finished.

When you restart the batch, you just press the ENT button again and this process repeats itself. 

Here's the video. https://youtu.be/g-VrGFDA26o

To learn more about this function and our ultrasonic flow meter. Please visit our website, www.maxiflo.co.kr.